Become a Skilled Phlebotomist

Learn the necessary skills to draw blood and become a confident phlebotomist and start a career in blood testing in the medical field

No Experience Necessary

The phlebotomy trainer - group class
The phlebotomy trainer - group class
blood test training
blood test training

About Us

With over 20 years of experience in the NHS, our team offers high-quality phlebotomy training that meets the highest standards of the healthcare industry. Our trainer holds certification accredited by the Royal College of Nursing.

the phlebotomy trainer logo
the phlebotomy trainer logo

"I would like to start off by saying a massive thank you for delivering the phlebotomy course on Thursday. It was lovely meeting you and your colleague, Nipa. Yourself and Nipa delivered the session really well and I learnt so much. It was fun, informative and innovative. I would definitely come back to have another refresher session with you!"

- Ms A Bhatti

"Excellent and engaging course, I learnt a lot and feel ready to start taking blood. I really enjoyed the practical part particularly"

- Anon (Group Session)


Our Services

We offer a comprehensive phlebotomy programme for various sized groups that equips you with the necessary skills to draw blood using various methods on dummy practise arms with certification will be issued to successful attendees.

group phlebotomy training
group phlebotomy training
Group Training
One To One

Our 1-2-1 training provides hands-on experience to ensure you are proficient in drawing blood and competent bleeding on a dummy practise arm so you are set to go into the world of phlebotomy

We teach you the proper techniques and safety guidelines to ensure patient comfort and safety with confidence. For existing phlebotomists, brush up or improve your technique with us.

Refresher - Confidence Building Session
one to one phlebotomy training
one to one phlebotomy training
man in white chef uniform holding purple plastic blood test bottle
man in white chef uniform holding purple plastic blood test bottle

Coming Soon...

Practical on site experience
We're working hard to secure our trainees places where they can put their training into practice. Subscribe to keep posted on developments.

Level 2 and 3 Diploma

We'll be launching our own Leve 2 and 3 Diploma in Phlebotomy later this year - Watch this space!

Contact Us

For more information, general advice or to enroll in one of our phlebotomy programme, please contact us via the form below